To be eligible for a room, you must:

- Be registered with Maastricht Housing (click on this link for more information). You can only respond to our rooms via Maastricht Housing or be nominated by a departing tenant.

- Not be older then 27 years old.

- Being a student. You must provide us with proof of registration for your current / future study.

Maastricht Housing is the official mediator for Maastricht University, Hogeschool Zuyd and the Jan van Eyck Academy.

One platform, where all the student accommodation offers come together, to be viewed all over the world. Maastricht Housing has an extensive range of accommodation for both short and longer periods, available immediately. You can choose from furnished and unfurnished rooms, there is choice for everyone. For more information, click here.

Please pay attention! Maasvallei only leases unfurnished rooms. It may be that the current tenant of your room wants to transfer furniture to you.