On this site you can see exactly when you can offer the organic waste (vegetable, fruit and garden waste) with the green organic waste bin.
And on this site you can find more information about waste in Maastricht.
Only offer waste on the designated days! The Enforcement Department of the municipality of Maastricht is currently carrying out strict checks and immediately issues fines for incorrect offers!
There are 2 containers in the bicycle shed. These are for offering your residual waste. You have to offer this in a bag. This does not have to be an expensive red and white garbage bag from the municipality of Maastricht! Ask your housemates if they might share a cheap roll of garbage bags.
How does it work? You must first deposit the waste in the black container. This is the container that is emptied weekly. You pay a fixed amount per month for this. The blue container is on call. So when the black container is full, you can throw your garbage bags in here. However, there are additional costs associated with emptying the blue container.
So definitely try to separate waste! There is a deposit on (plastic) bottles, bottles and cans. It is therefore best to separate this and hand it in anyway. What is not allowed in: metals, chemical waste, oil (containing) products, bicycle tires, material containing asbestos fiber (or similar) material, carcasses/offal waste, rubble, wood, sand, mattresses and glass.
So: only residual waste is allowed in a residual bag and only residual waste bags are allowed in the containers. The expensive red and white waste bag from the municipality is no longer necessary!
First deposit your waste in the black container. Tip: pierce a hole in the full bag and let the air blow out. Then you have more space in the container, so you can put more waste bags in it!
So try to avoid using the blue container as much as possible.